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Gusii Sevens Rugby tournament kicked off in a disappointing manner

hyped Gusii Sevens Rugby tournament kicked off in a disappointing manner, a move that saw political allies of Deputy President William Ruto and Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang'i exchange fiercely.
South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro, a key ally of Dr Ruto and Secretary of Youths in the office of DP Mr Antony Kibagendi, laid blames to the powerful minister, accusing him of snubbing events held at his Gusii backyard.
"He is not helpful. We tried to engage his office to support the tournament but he couldn't respond. You then wonder if such leaders can't support these initiatives, whom should we run to for help? wondered Mr Kibagendi.
Osoro added: "As leaders we should not pretend to help the community yet we can't stand with it at the hour of need. Those in power (Matiang'i) should take blame. We did the little we could but things haven't gone as we expected.
For the better part of Saturday, the VIP and terraces stands in the newly refurbished Gusii Stadium remained empty despite publicity given to the event by organisers in mainstream and social media platforms.
Jubilee Youth Leader Brian Mamboleo, a close confidant of Dr Matiang'i, has however rubbished claims by the team solidly backing Ruto, accusing them of politicising the sporting event. According to Mr Mamboleo, the ministry of Interior actively participated through NACADA.
"You cannot blame Interior Ministry for backlash. Infact, NACADA sponsored the event. It's part of the ministry. I don't see the reason why they should blame the minister. He did is part and we got sponsorship from NACADA," said Mr Mamboleo, a seasoned rugby player.

Further, he claimed, the organisers spent much time publicising the event in Nairobi and failed to mobilise the local community. He reprimanded Mr Osoro and Kibagendi for 'paying bloggers' to tarnish Matiang'i's name.
"They never bothered to come home. We have organised such events before and we spent time are the ground. They should desist from paying bloggers to tarnish the minister's name. He did his part and that ought to be respected," he said, adding that organisers should have also sought help from the ministry of sports.
Youth Africa President Beavon Magare seemed to back the three days tournament, insisting that the organisers had done their part. He asked those 'undermining' the tournament, which would run concurrently with another comedy show hosted by Mr Jalang'o, to keep off.
"There could be flaws in organizing the Gusii 7s and Comedy Night events at Gusii Stadium and Kisii School respectively.But still using all the energies(as witnessed) in fighting them because some people you hate are leading the pack shows some idleness in us. Let it be. Let the events run, just don't attend if you don't feel like," he said.
Dr Matiang'i has come under immense scrutiny from a section of politicians allied to DP Ruto, with some accusing him of orchestrating withdrawal of their security. On Thursday, they also accused the Interior Ministry of 'inciting' provincial administration against attending Ruto's functions. The minister has often denied the claims.