Editors Choice


Things that can make Kisii youth to be poor

Related imageMost Kisii men have involved themselves in alcohol. A young man wakes up early in the morning to look for a casual work, only for him to spend all the money in "chang'aa". (A traditional home brewed spirit)

Getting involved in gambling
This is yet another thing that will make most people remain poor for the rest of his life. A man works all day and earns good money, instead of taking the money to his wife and children, he decides to go the betting sites to bet. 
What is the out come? Loosing all the money. Betting has left many people so poor because they win a small amount but end up losing a lot of money.
Getting employed by somebody
It is not a bad idea to get employed by somebody, but ask yourself this question, will you remain employed for the rest of your life? Once you get employed, look for the strategies to exit and employ yourself and be a boss of your own.
Nobody dreams of being poor in his life. In fact all people work so hard so that they can be successful in life. Most men who are educated in Kisii have involved themselves in the following things which can make them poor for the rest of their lives.Being alcohol addicts